Our vision

Moving diagnostic frontiers in dermatology.

Our mission

We build leading innovative molecular diagnostic solutions at scale and at point of need for diagnostic laboratories, dermatologists and academic and pharmaceutical research organizations. With our quick, precise and automated tests, we enable skin experts to recommend the best treatments for human skin health.

Company history

Dermagnostix was founded as a spin-off from the Hahn-Schickard Institut in Freiburg, the Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) and TU Munich, after decades of top-level research in dermatology, immunology, bioinformatics and microfluidics. We are located in Southern Germany (Freiburg).

Game-changing modern therapies have evolved the treatment of inflammatory disease and skin cancer. Diagnostics have not kept pace with these therapeutic advances. Dermagnostix closes this gap bringing objective molecular results directly to the physician.


Natalie Garzorz-Stark, MD, PhD, MHBA
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder 

of Dermagnostix

Ludwig Gutzweiler
Chief Technology Officer
Kai von der Horst CFO Dermagnostix
Kai von der Horst
Chief Financial Officer
Martin Meyer
Head of QM & RA


Prof. Kilian Eyerich, MD, PhD

Professor and Chair in Dermatology, Co-founder of Dermagnostix.

Friedrich Hecker

Non-Executive Board Member, Senior Advisor, Startup Investor.

Martin Klässner

Serial Entrepreneur and Investor with Software-as-a-Service background in the domains Energy, Medical and Robotics.

Prof. Helmut Laaff, MD

Dermatopathologist, Owner IDPM Freiburg Group, Professor Department Chemistry and Pharmacy University Freiburg.

Prof. Kristian Reich, MD, PhD

Translational Research Inflammatory Skin Diseases, University Medical Center Hamburg; Medical Director JeruCON GmbH.

Prof. Roland Zengerle, PhD

Professor for MEMS applications, University of Freiburg; Executive Board member of Hahn-Schickard.


Katharina Dormanns, PhD

Microfluidics Engineer and Co-Founder of Dermagnostix.

Prof. Stefanie Eyerich, PhD

Professor for Functional Allergology and Co-Founder of Dermagnostix.

Prof. Christoffer Gebhardt, MD

Professor for Dermato-Oncology and Co-Founder of Dermagnostix.

Michael Howell, PhD

Immunologist, Biotech Entrepreneur, Translational Science and Biomarker Leader in Oncology, Inflammation and Immunology.

Nils Paust, PhD

Microfluidics Engineer, Associate Director of the Hahn-Schickard Institute of Microanalysis Systems and Co-Founder of Dermagnostix.

Prof. Fabian Theis, PhD, PhD

Mathematician, Physicist, Pioneer in Biomedical AI and Machine Learning and Co-Founder of Dermagnostix.

Dermagnostix, a spin-off company of















Since November 2022 Dermagnostix is officially EN ISO 13485 certified.

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Support programme INVEST

Dermagnostix was granted a notice of eligibility by BAFA as part of the INVEST funding measure of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection to subsidize venture capital from private investors for young innovative companies.

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